September Wrap Up

My September wrap up is going to be pretty difficult I think. I read some great books last month. As for ratings, I haven’t really given any of them ratings as of yet. I do, however, have a general idea what I would have given them, so I can include that. Here we go! Because I’ve already read and reviewed them, I’ll link the reviews as well.

I’m wary to say I had a least favorite, since I enjoyed everything I read last month, which is rare. Since I don’t have a least favorite, I’m just going to talk about which were most intriguing or were easiest to get into/through.

My favorite book was Legendborn by Tracy Deonn. It was such a fun read, I was immediately hooked from the beginning. I loved getting into a book series again that I just had to keep reading. And I already am dying for the sequel! If you like retellings, magic, strong Black Girl Magic, this is totally for you! I gave it 4.5/5 ⭐️.

Another book I immediately was absorbed in and wanted to keep reading was Hush by Dylan Farrow. From the beginning I was hooked and had to know more and find out about this cursed society where words are forbidden. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series and recommend that you check it out! I’d give this a 4/5 ⭐️.

September Wrap Up “Honorable Mentions”

Next is The Left-Handed Booksellers of London by Garth Nix. This book was pretty good and was interesting to read. While I enjoyed reading it and getting to know the characters and magic system, I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as some other books I read in September. I’d still give this a 3.75-4/5 ⭐️.

I enjoyed reading Twig and Turtle: Big Move to a Tiny House by Jennifer Richard Jacobson. It is a heartwarming story about two girls who move into a tiny house and scheme to keep their dog. It is an easy read, but it had many themes of importance. I’d probably give it a 3.5-4/5 ⭐️.

Another book I tackled is Oshibana Complex by Craig Hallam. This had a neat storyline and I enjoyed the use of gender-neutral pronouns for the entire book. There were a lot of great things about this book. I found myself reaching for other books over this one, however, despite how much I did enjoy this. I’d give it a 3.5/5⭐️.

The last book I’m going to give a rating to for September is Wicked Fox by Kat Cho. This was an interesting fantasy story and for the most part I enjoyed it. I can’t give it a higher rating because it took me over a month to finish it. It gets 3.5/5 ⭐️ from me.

It’s A “No Rating” From Me

I also read I Am These Truths by Sunny Hostin. As a rule, I don’t rate memoirs because I don’t feel that it’s my place to say whether they wrote about their life “well enough.” I used to try, but always felt awkward as it’s not my place to say how well they told their personal story. It was interesting learning about her life and the struggles she’s been through and I think this book is worth the read.

Have you read any of the books listed here in my September wrap up? If so, which were your favorites? Any recommendations for me based on my thoughts?