The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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I read The Kite Runner as one of my selections for Banned Books Week. I’ve always heard such good things about it. Alas, like many of my other books, it’s just been sitting on my shelf, eyeing me sadly while I read all the fancy new releases. I finally picked it up and wow did it pack a punch. First, let’s get into what it’s about.

In this story, we’re following Amir, an Afghani man who recounts his life from childhood to adulthood. We learn about his life growing up in Afghanistan, his escape from a war-wracked Kabul, his journey to America, and his journey back to Afghanistan. We witness his relationship with his father, and with his playmate, Hassan, and a myriad of other important characters. In this story, we are privy to Amir’s failures, his regrets, his redemption, his fears, his love, and everything in between, as well as what it means to forgive. It’s an emotional story that will put you on a roller coaster and have you wondering if you can take it anymore.

My Reading Experience of The Kite Runner

I wasn’t sure if I could handle reading it. After 7 chapters in, I had to stop. I didn’t pick the book up for 3 days. As I was reading chapter 7, I was bawling. I couldn’t stop, so I put the book down before I could finish the chapter. I consulted one of my reading groups about the rest. Does this get better? Will I stop crying? I had to know. I wasn’t sure I could continue reading an almost 400-page book with this much turmoil and emotion. “You probably will keep crying, but it’s worth it.” That was the resounding response from the group. So, after a 3-day hiatus, I forged on.

I don’t regret reading it. Yes, it was absolutely emotional. The whole book ripped at my emotions and my heart and I did cry through the rest of it. I’m actually a little upset with Hosseini about some of this book. But it’s a book that will stay with me, and that’s what makes a book great, so I guess that means he did his job.

While I definitely struggled with this one because of the sheer emotional impact it caused, I do recommend it. However, I will say that there are some triggers with this, and some content warnings. Please be advised that some of these triggers include depictions of rape, attempted suicide, bullying, murder, and war.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
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Banned Books Week: Sept 27-Oct 3

Banned Books week is officially here! It is one of my favorite times of year. It’s a reminder that censorship is dangerous and a time to embrace the freedom to express our different ideas and opinions. While I don’t limit myself to reading banned books during just this one week, I like that there is a dedicated week for it.

Why are books banned in the first place? This is something I don’t understand. I think fear is the biggest thing. Fear is a powerful thing and I think people become so afraid of what they don’t agree with or don’t understand that they let it blind them. You can interact with something (in this case, read) and not mean that you agree with it. One of the purposes of reading is to expand your knowledge and open your mind. If you only read about things you agree with, how are you opening your mind?

I’m lucky because although I come from a small rural town in a conservative area, we didn’t really have a lot of censorship in my school. In fact, a lot of the books that we read for required reading often frequent the national banned books list. As I’ve gotten older, my tastes continue to reflect what I grew up with: seek out diversity. I’ve always had a questioning nature. I’m the type where if someone says don’t read something, it makes me want to. If I see that a book is on the banned book list, I seek that book out.

Getting Involved in Banned Books Week

How are y’all celebrating Banned Books week? I plan on reading at least one or two this week. I’ll be reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and In The Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak. This way I can get my son involved, too. For more ideas on books to read, visit this list of books or if you’re curious, you can learn more about Banned Books Week.