Let Me Catch You Up

Hey y’all, I apologize for being so quiet on here the last few months. I just wanted to catch you up on what has been going on and give you a brief summary of what I’ve been reading. My actual reviews will follow, but I wanted to also get on here and just let you know why things have been so sporadic from me. I also wanted to apologize for that. I was hoping things this year would be less hectic, with COVID being better controlled and not being under quarantine like last year. However, we’ve had some personal things go on that have made it seem just as hectic.

In the beginning of the year, I felt optimistic about things, both reading- and personal- wise. Then I received some devastating news from my former partner that I’m still trying to reconcile. It threw me for a loop and I ended up not being able to do any reading after that until mid-February. Lately, we’ve had many appointments to go to so our days are still quite busy and exhausting. Some nights I go to bed shortly after my son does, which is pretty early. Also, I’m still dealing with some health issues that I’ve had on and off since June 2020.

Let’s Catch You Up: What I’ve Been Reading

Reading-wise, I’ve been doing alright. I haven’t gotten to as many books as I would have liked. However, I’m still reading a good amount of books. I average about 5 books a month and am on track to finish my Goodreads challenge (65).

Our local library has opened back up and we’ve been frequenting that weekly. My son loves getting books out and it makes this bibliophilic mama’s heart sing. 🥰 It’s also become a contest to see who gets more excited over bookmail: me or him.

I’ve mostly been reading ARCs this year, as I have many to review. However, in May and June I tried to focus my reading on monthly “themes.” May was AAPI Heritage month, so I tried to read mostly books written by AAPI authors. In the same respect, June was pride month, so I tried to read books that were lgbtq+ themed or written by lgbtq+ authors. Unless there was an ARC due that didn’t fit in those “themes,” I think I did pretty well.

I’ll include a list of the books I’ve read this year so far. As I’ve mentioned, reviews will be forthcoming, although some are already up. That’s it: that’s all I have to catch you up. Thanks for reading and bearing with me this year. Y’all are always appreciated. 💛 You can follow me on Instagram if you want more up-to-date reviews. Enjoy your weekend!

Books I’ve Read in 2021 Thus Far

  • July 2021
    • Mistletoe & Mischief
  • June 2021
    • The Boy Who Lived in the Ceiling
    • The Prince and the Dressmaker
    • MeaningFULL: 23 Life-Changing Stories of Conquering Dieting, Weight, & Body Image Issues
    • You Should See Me In A Crown
    • Darius The Great Deserves Better
    • Of Princes and Promises
    • The Gilded Ones
  • May 2021
    • My Fate According to the Butterfly
    • The Henna Artist
    • From Little Tokyo, With Love
    • Love From A to Z
  • April 2021
    • On The Spectrum
    • Fox & Rabbit
    • The Dating Plan
    • Spin A Circle
    • The Forest of Stolen Girls
    • The Perfect Daughter
    • The Mary Shelley Club
    • House of Hollow
  • March 2021
    • Zara Hossain is Here
    • She’s Too Pretty To Burn
    • Heroine
    • Firekeeper’s Daughter
    • The Lake
  • February 2021
    • A Shot at Normal
    • The Seelie Queen
    • Yolk
    • Indivisible
  • January 2021
    • What Big Teeth
    • A Taste For Love
    • The Project
    • Amari and the Night Brothers
    • Last Night at the Telegraph Club

Mid-November Check In

Hey y’all. I’m sorry I’ve been a bit MIA the last few weeks. I just wanted to touch base and do a little mid-November check in. Unfortunately, I’ve found myself in a bit of a reading slump. I’m not sure when it started. I surmise that it was because I’ve read too many mediocre books and books that I’d hyped up and which ultimately let me down. I’ve been struggling with this slump for a few weeks. Although I had a rather hefty TBR for this month (7 books!), I’m sadly unable to get in that reading groove.

On top of my reading slump, we had quite a week with the US Presidential elections. I spent the week extremely anxious, glued to the news, casting my reading to the side. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who was unable to focus much that week.

If I’m being honest with myself, I’m going to guess that the rest of the year won’t be too prosperous reading-wise. With all of the holidays coming up plus some things going on in my personal life, I don’t expect to go crazy with the amount I’ll be able to get done. That’s okay, though. I typically plan for that.

I’m trying to be gentle with myself and give myself grace. It’s been an extremely difficult year. Not just now, but especially now, I think it’s important that we remember to take the time to care for ourselves when things are hard. We need to remember to take breaks when we need to, whether it is mentally or physically. And while there is so much sadness and negativity going on in the world, we need to remember to do something that makes us happy and keeps us positive.

Mid-November Check In: Focusing On the Positive

Which brings me to the holidays! I’ve always loved Christmas. I know, I know; we still have to celebrate Thanksgiving. Don’t get me wrong, I love to eat, so an entire holiday dedicated to that is awesome. I will always love Christmas more, though. And I am thankful and grateful, but we should be thankful everyday, not just on one specific day. So, with that being said, what better way to cheer up and get out of my reading-slump-funk than by decorating for Christmas?!

Yup, that’s right, it’s officially Christmas in our house. We’ve got 2 trees up–one for me and one for my son. His windows are decked out in Christmas themed window clings, and we’ve even started putting them up on the bathroom mirrors. We’ve been watching Christmas movies and singing Christmas carols and I’ve been drinking hot cocoa like I’m Mrs. Claus. We’ve only just begun! I can’t wait to get this place the rest of the way decked out for Christmas. The only thing missing is the snow.

Stay happy and healthy my friends.

Banned Books Week: Sept 27-Oct 3

Banned Books week is officially here! It is one of my favorite times of year. It’s a reminder that censorship is dangerous and a time to embrace the freedom to express our different ideas and opinions. While I don’t limit myself to reading banned books during just this one week, I like that there is a dedicated week for it.

Why are books banned in the first place? This is something I don’t understand. I think fear is the biggest thing. Fear is a powerful thing and I think people become so afraid of what they don’t agree with or don’t understand that they let it blind them. You can interact with something (in this case, read) and not mean that you agree with it. One of the purposes of reading is to expand your knowledge and open your mind. If you only read about things you agree with, how are you opening your mind?

I’m lucky because although I come from a small rural town in a conservative area, we didn’t really have a lot of censorship in my school. In fact, a lot of the books that we read for required reading often frequent the national banned books list. As I’ve gotten older, my tastes continue to reflect what I grew up with: seek out diversity. I’ve always had a questioning nature. I’m the type where if someone says don’t read something, it makes me want to. If I see that a book is on the banned book list, I seek that book out.

Getting Involved in Banned Books Week

How are y’all celebrating Banned Books week? I plan on reading at least one or two this week. I’ll be reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and In The Night Kitchen by Maurice Sendak. This way I can get my son involved, too. For more ideas on books to read, visit this list of books or if you’re curious, you can learn more about Banned Books Week.


Hey everyone and welcome to my blog! I’m creating this in the hopes of getting my bookish content gathered in one place as now it’s a bit scattered. I’m also hoping to connect with more bookworms like myself. Stay tuned and happy reading!