Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche by Nancy Springer

I received a free copy of Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche thanks to Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are solely my own. 

I’ve never read any of the Enola Holmes books before, but when the publicist reached out and asked if I’d like to be part of the Blog Tour for the newest Enola Holmes book, I agreed. From what I had previously seen of the newest book, it sounded like a fun read and I’m always up for a good mystery. Luckily, you didn’t need to have read the previous books to enjoy this one. 

In Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche, we follow Enola as she helps Letitia “Tish” Glover find out the truth of what happened to her twin sister, Felicity “Flossie” Glover Rudcliff. Tish has just received a short letter saying Flossie died. Tish doesn’t believe Flossie has really died and has come to the Holmes’s for help. Working with her older and famous brother Sherlock Holmes, they gather clues and hatch a scheme hoping to solve the case.

Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche: Read it or Leave it?

I really enjoyed this book. It was a quick but entertaining read. It’s set in 1800s London, and you have to remember that, because the viewpoints are of those during that era. I love our headstrong main character Enola, who goes against what’s proper and travels alone, doesn’t stick to societal norms of domesticity, etc. but instead focuses on writing and solving cases. The interaction between her and Sherlock was a great addition to the book. I love that her strong personality challenged his and also made him rethink some of his pre-conceived notions about women and society. They made a great team in this story and I look forward to reading more about them.

This book has humor, mystery, and a great cast of characters. I kept thinking about them long after putting the book down. I will definitely be picking up the previous books in the Enola Holmes series. Thank you once again to Wednesday Books and Nancy Springer for my review copy and inviting me on this book tour!

Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche releases August 31st, so be sure to pick up your copy! 

Enola Holmes and the Black Barouche by Nancy Springer

The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur

I received a free e-ARC of The Forest of Stolen Girls thanks to Fierce Reads in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

When I got the email that I’d won an arc, I was so excited. I’m a sucker for historical fiction, but what’s even better is that this is also a mystery-thriller. The synopsis had me hooked.

We follow Hwani, who, as a child, was found unconscious in the forest, with her sister. They don’t remember a thing about the incident except that their captor had a white-painted mask. This event tore their family apart and most fled the hometown. Years later, she travels back to her estranged home to find her father who went missing while investigating the disappearance of 13 missing girls. Reuniting with her sister, Hwani must look to her past in order to discover the truth.

The Forest of Stolen Girls: Why You Should Read It

First, I have to say: Hur can tell a story. I haven’t read her other works but this as an intro to her writing was perfect. The way she crafted this slow burn mystery-thriller was so magnificent. She left her hints and clues all over, but with such subtly that it was almost enough to be disregarded. 

I loved the dynamic between Hwani and Maewol. It was such a realistic interpretation of a sister relationship. They had underlying resentment of each other but also fierce love and loyalty. So representative of a sisterly bond, I think. 

The ending of the book was totally unexpected for me. I was guessing during the story–and not correctly–at what was going to happen. Maybe I’m getting rusty? Or Maybe Hur’s writing is just that good. Either way, the build-up of the book was so worth the shock factor. 

I urge all of you to read this book. It’s a historical fiction book, yes, but you don’t feel like you’re reading a book about history. It’s engaging, it’s interesting, and it keeps you wanting more. You’re not going to want to put it down. Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy.

The Forest of Stolen Girls by June Hur

The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White

I read The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White as one of my buddy reads this month. Since it was a retelling of a classic with a female protagonist, I was really excited to read it.

We follow Elizabeth, a girl who was taken in by the Frankensteins as a child. Given food, shelter, and everything she could want or need, she’s to befriend Victor and be his companion. Together since childhood, they forge a tight knit bond. But appearances are often only surface deep and what’s lurking beneath the depths are hideous secrets better left unspoken. We follow her journey to finding Victor, the truth, and ultimately, herself.

I was really excited going into this book. A twist on a classic with a strong female protagonist? Sign me up! For some reason, I had also had notions that it was Elizabeth going mad that we were going to be reading about. And, I love a good story with an unreliable narrator, so that was another check in this books column. While the book wasn’t bad, my own expectations had caused me to be disappointed with it.

The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein: The Nitty-Gritty

First of all, let me reiterate, this was a good book. The reason I was disappointed with it is because I had my own expectations that weren’t met. I really enjoyed the characterization of Elizabeth. The way that we are privy to Elizabeth’s thoughts as she questions her motives and her courses of actions, I thought this was excellent. It made her character more authentic and showed her desperation. The employment of flashbacks was done well. I’m not sure if I would have preferred it done in a different way or not; that’s something I wondered about as well while reading.

One thing that bothered me was that, despite the fact that this was a retelling with a female protagonist, I still felt like it was mainly about Victor. Even though we are reading through Elizabeth’s point of view, the whole story is centered around Victor and his madness and his brilliance. I understand their relationship and why this was, but it just felt like it was still mostly Victor’s story. I wanted more of Elizabeth.

Overall, this book was good. It wasn’t what I had been expecting but it wasn’t a bad read. I enjoyed reading it but I can’t say it gave me too many spooky vibes, which is what I was hoping for. I do think it’s a good read and you should check it out, especially if you’re looking for a twist on the classic.

The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

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I read The Kite Runner as one of my selections for Banned Books Week. I’ve always heard such good things about it. Alas, like many of my other books, it’s just been sitting on my shelf, eyeing me sadly while I read all the fancy new releases. I finally picked it up and wow did it pack a punch. First, let’s get into what it’s about.

In this story, we’re following Amir, an Afghani man who recounts his life from childhood to adulthood. We learn about his life growing up in Afghanistan, his escape from a war-wracked Kabul, his journey to America, and his journey back to Afghanistan. We witness his relationship with his father, and with his playmate, Hassan, and a myriad of other important characters. In this story, we are privy to Amir’s failures, his regrets, his redemption, his fears, his love, and everything in between, as well as what it means to forgive. It’s an emotional story that will put you on a roller coaster and have you wondering if you can take it anymore.

My Reading Experience of The Kite Runner

I wasn’t sure if I could handle reading it. After 7 chapters in, I had to stop. I didn’t pick the book up for 3 days. As I was reading chapter 7, I was bawling. I couldn’t stop, so I put the book down before I could finish the chapter. I consulted one of my reading groups about the rest. Does this get better? Will I stop crying? I had to know. I wasn’t sure I could continue reading an almost 400-page book with this much turmoil and emotion. “You probably will keep crying, but it’s worth it.” That was the resounding response from the group. So, after a 3-day hiatus, I forged on.

I don’t regret reading it. Yes, it was absolutely emotional. The whole book ripped at my emotions and my heart and I did cry through the rest of it. I’m actually a little upset with Hosseini about some of this book. But it’s a book that will stay with me, and that’s what makes a book great, so I guess that means he did his job.

While I definitely struggled with this one because of the sheer emotional impact it caused, I do recommend it. However, I will say that there are some triggers with this, and some content warnings. Please be advised that some of these triggers include depictions of rape, attempted suicide, bullying, murder, and war.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
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August Wrap-Up

Well, y’all, I didn’t get to all the books I had wanted to. I had tried to read 8 books during August and I was only able to fully complete 5 of them. I’m in the middle of 2 others and one I wasn’t able to get to. Let’s dig in, shall we?

So what did I read this month? To recap, there was White Fox by Sara Faring, How It All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi, The Talented Miss Farwell by Emily Gray Tedrowe, Eleanor, Alice, & The Roosevelt Ghosts by Dianne K. Salerni, and Dress Codes for Small Towns by Courtney C. Stevens.

I didn’t find any new favorite books this month, but there were two that I did enjoy more than the others. Those books were White Fox by Sara Faring, and Eleanor, Alice, & The Roosevelt Ghosts by Dianne K. Salerni. I hadn’t read from either of these authors before but I found myself enjoying both books and I will look for more books from them in the future. Faring did a great job with the atmosphere in White Fox and I found that a particularly strong element in that story. Salerni really brought the characters to life in Eleanor, Alice, & The Roosevelt Ghosts and made me want to continue down the history tunnel. I gave each book a 4/5.

The books that were misses for me were a tie between Dress Codes for Small Towns by Courtney C. Stevens and The Talented Miss Farwell by Emily Gray Tedrowe. Both had interesting premises but seemed to fall flat in their execution. I struggled to get through both and can’t say I’d recommend either one. Both received 2/5.

So there you have it, folks. What books did you read last month? Were you able to find some awesome new books? Any that you’d recommend?