Amari and the Night Brothers by B. B. Alston

I won a free ARC of Amari and the Night Brothers during NYCC/Metaverse in exchange for an honest review. Special thanks to Epic Reads and the publisher Balzer + Bray for the physical copy I was provided. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

In this book we follow Amari Peters, a young girl who just wants to find her missing brother, Quinton. When she gets an opportunity to visit the special camp that he used to attend every summer, she’ll find that things aren’t always as they seem, and she’s off to the Bureau of Supernatural Affairs. Soon she finds out what her supernatural talent is, but will she be able to save Quinton in time?

I really enjoyed this book. It had everything I like in a middle grade novel. There were interesting characters, it was set in a fun world, there was magic, and we got to follow a strong Black female main character. So let’s get a little bit more into the specifics of what I really liked.

Amari and the Night Brothers: The Breakdown

First, let’s talk about this world building. This book has dual worlds in it: the natural world and the supernatural world. Alston did a great job juxtaposing the two throughout the book. Along with this, there were the specific jobs and departments that were a part of the supernatural world that I especially enjoyed. These included: Department of Coverups, Department of the Unexplained, etc. I thought these were fun additions to a book about a supernatural world and I can only imagine what a middle grade reader who enjoys magic would think.

So what about the magic? I’ll admit, I do hope there is more about this in the second book. What we were given was interesting, but I wanted more about how it worked. I don’t want to give any spoilers away about this aspect so I’ll just leave it at that.

Alston wrote interesting and recognizable characters. I love that the hero of our story is Amari, a young Black girl from the “wrong side of town” who just wants to find her brother. I love that we see her internal struggle with self-worth, because that is such a true-to-life issue, and it’s been validated for her by her peers. Alston did a great job with Amari’s character and showing her growth from self-doubt to self-assured. I also liked that he made her best friend, Elsie, a weredragon who is a science genius. The characters in here were so thought out and had such awesome quirks, I loved them!

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I fled through it, and I can’t wait to find out what happens next with Amari and her friends. I can’t recommend this enough! It’s due for publication on 1/19/21 so be sure to get your copy!

Amari and the Night Brothers

City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda

*Disclosure: This page may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission, at no additional cost to you. You can read more here.

I received a free e-ARC of City of the Plague God thanks to NetGalley and Rick Riordan Presents/Disney Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

In this story we follow 13-year-old Sikander Aziz as he battles the God, Nergal, for the fate of Manhattan. To succeed, he’ll have to join with his friend Belet, former hero Gilgamesh, takeover where Ishtar—Goddess of war and love—left off, defeat demons, and find the Flower of Immortality. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: whenever I see Rick Riordan is coming out with something, whether it’s from him or his imprint, I immediately hit my to-be-read button. I love the stories that he writes and that his imprint puts out. They’re full of adventure and tell wonderfully epic tales of unlikely heroes and show teens and young adults that they can make a difference. They also do a great job of reviving and giving a new spin on classic tales and myths. 

This story was no different. I loved it right from the beginning. I’d been in a bit of a reading slump when I got the email saying I’d been approved to read this. I knew this was the ticket to getting me out of it. From the very first page, I was hooked. This is my first book by Chadda, but it won’t be my last.

City of the Plague God: My Thoughts

Sik is an unassuming hero. He’s used to being in the background while others do the glamorous or important things. When Nergal comes for him, he’s genuinely perplexed. This is part of the book that I really liked, because I think it will resonate with a lot of readers. The idea that you can have extraordinary things happen to you, or make a difference in the world, no matter your circumstance is so important. It’s reiterated throughout the book, while Sik is constantly doubting himself and others are reassuring him.

I liked the inclusion of the Islamic faith. It’s important for everyone to grow up seeing their cultures and values represented in the books that they’re reading.

Overall, I enjoyed this story from start to finish. Although this is a middle grade read, I think anyone can pick it up and have a great time joining Sik while he fights Nergal to save his family and Manhattan. I hope we get more stories following Sik and his friends. Be sure to pick up your copy in January when it hits shelves!

City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda

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Halloween Sugar Cookies and Pumpkin Books

Last weekend, our fun Fall activity was making Halloween sugar cookies. Now, I don’t know about you, but I love any excuse for a sweet treat. Thankfully, sugar cookies are an easy snack to make and you can change them up for different holidays. Plus, involving K was super easy. Most of the Halloween cookie cutters were still packed away, but we found a few: a pumpkin, a leaf, and a cat.

Now I’ll be honest, I left the baking up to K and his grammie this time. I supervised and took pictures. I did help K when he started to help roll out the dough–he could become an excellent pastry chef one day. After the cookies had baked to perfection, it was time to sample! Grammie and K had done a great job. When we finished our sampling, we took what was left of the cookies– it’s almost the holidays so none of the extra cookies consumed count right?–and it was time to frost!

I think this was K’s favorite part. We didn’t have orange frosting so we used vanilla and dyed it orange and he got a small taste. Needless to say, we have a new frosting fiend in our house. The cookies turned out beautifully. But most importantly, they turned out delicious. And when it comes to cookies, that’s really all that matters right?

Halloween Reads To Go With Our Halloween Sugar Cookies

K also got a new book: You’re My Little Pumpkin Pie with illustrations by Natalie Marshall. This is a fun Halloween-themed board book with cutouts. K loves these books and enjoys turning the pages to see what’s on the other side of the cutout. Another book that K received was Happy Halloween, Little Critter! by Mercer Mayer. This has flaps on the pages that shows which critter is in which costume and he loves finding out who is under the flap. I’m so glad that books have fun ways to make reading entertaining for children!

I had a really fun weekend baking Halloween sugar cookies and reading Halloween books with my son and my mom. I’m enjoying making new traditions with him as he grows up. Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions with your children?

Twig and Turtle 1: Big Move to a Tiny House by Jennifer Richard Jacobson

I won a free copy of Twig and Turtle 1: Big Move to a Tiny House during BookCon in exchange for an honest review. Special thanks to Holiday House for providing the ARC. All opinions expressed are solely my own. *Disclosure: This page may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I may earn a commission, at no additional cost to you. You can read more here.

This book is about Twig and Turtle, two young girls who move with their family into a tiny house. While Turtle doesn’t mind the move, Twig is sad to have to leave her Great Dane with her grandma. Not only that, but Twig is having problems fitting in at her new school. How can Twig get her dog to come live with them in their tiny house and make new friends? 

I enjoyed this story. It followed the typical story arc, and it was a great early reader book. Of course, anything with a dog as one of the focal points of the story has my attention. I read this book to my son as I was reviewing it, and although he wasn’t too impressed (he’s 11 months so I’ll give him a pass 😄), I was curious to know what would happen next. I plan to read it again to him when he’s older; it’s a good story with important themes in it.

There were female main characters, determination, problem-solving, friendship building, the strength of love, and lessons all wrapped up in this book. Despite the short length of this book, there are many aspects of it that will appeal to young readers. After reading this book, I’m looking forward to reading more adventures with Twig and Turtle. I wonder what shenanigans they’ll get into next?!

Twig and Turtle 1: Big Move to a Tiny House by Jennifer Richard Jacobson Physical ARC
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